Paving & Driveways


A driveway is a paved pathway or road leading from the street to a home garage or parking area. It is typically constructed of gravel, asphalt, or concrete. Select the best Alexandria VA asphalt paving.

Pavement materials can be subject to ground movements caused by frost heaves, earthquakes, and major storms, which stress their surfaces and lead to cracking or potholes.


The cost of installing a driveway can vary widely depending on factors like material, installation, and other elements, but many homeowners see quality driveways as worthwhile long-term investments that increase home value while making parking and working on vehicles easier.

Paving materials include concrete, asphalt, gravel, and pavers, each offering specific advantages for different climates, architectural styles, and budgets. However, as all paved surfaces eventually need replacing, it is crucial that this factor be considered when reviewing initial costs.

Heated asphalt driveways often cost more to install and require periodic maintenance to prevent surface damage; however, when properly maintained, they last much longer while improving curb appeal and decreasing environmental impacts.

Size plays a significant role in pricing driveway installations and maintenance services, with larger drives costing more than smaller ones due to increased material requirements for covering their surfaces. Curved designs also tend to cost more because they require licensed contractors for custom fabrication of custom forms.

Grading services are usually included as part of the initial costs associated with any paved driveway project, as it prepares the site and ensures water drains correctly. While this step adds approximately $5-8 per square foot to total costs, they’re essential in preventing severe drainage issues in the future.

Asphalt driveways are an economical and durable option. Installation or removal of an existing driveway and site preparation often cost $4 to $10 per square foot.

Gravel can be an affordable paving option, though it requires regular raking and filling to keep its area topped up. Furthermore, its surface may not be suitable in areas prone to freeze-thaw cycles since expanding ice can rupture its foundation.

Poured concrete may be more expensive than asphalt, but its durability and aesthetic appeal make it worth considering. Plus, it can last for decades—up to 50, in fact!


Your driveway is an integral component of your home and should reflect both your personal style and that of the rest of the property. A range of paving materials is available, from cheap gravel for quick installation to more elaborate natural stone or fired clay paver bricks for longer-lasting appeal and increased longevity. Selecting the correct material will enhance your driveway’s beauty while increasing its lifespan.

Concrete driveway paving options are one of the most popular paving choices, as it is both durable and affordable. Installation can also be easy; different shapes can easily be formed to suit your style. However, concrete is susceptible to staining easily and needs regular maintenance in order to protect it against water damage.

Asphalt paving is another popular choice for driveways. It is inexpensive and durable, suitable for use in all weather conditions; however, its production from petroleum products makes it less than eco-friendly as the material can release harmful hydrocarbons when drying out.

Permeable pavers offer an innovative driveway paving solution: these porous concrete mixes allow water to pass through them back into the soil. However, this type of paving should only be used in low-traffic areas and takes longer to set than regular concrete paving solutions.

Gravel and concrete are among the most popular driveway paving materials. They are often more cost-effective but unsuitable for snowy climates due to their tendency to scatter easily and get caught in tires.

Concrete may be more expensive than gravel, but it provides multiple advantages over its counterpart. Not only is it durable and long-lasting, but its malleability allows it to be formed into different shapes to create attractive driveways that meet different functional requirements. Plus, its maintenance requirements are far lower compared with other paving materials, and it can even be reused after its lifespan has ended!

Brick driveways may be more expensive than other paving options, but their unique beauty sets them apart from other forms of pavement. Furthermore, their strength withstands even severe weather conditions, and their easy installation makes forming them to match your home’s style seamless.


When installing your new driveway, one of the critical decisions will be selecting an appropriate surface material. Gravel driveways can be low-cost options that are easy to keep clean in winter, while pave drives offer solid and long-lasting surfaces ideal for year-round parking. To make an informed decision, it’s essential that you consider all possible solutions and seek advice from trained experts before making your choice.

Preparing the site is the initial step in paving a driveway. This may involve digging up and removing old surfaces, as well as making sure there is adequate drainage without obstructions and that the pavement slopes away from the house.

Next, a subbase should be laid down to provide your asphalt with a secure foundation. This layer ensures it can withstand heavy vehicles while also helping prevent cracks from freezing/thawing cycles and freeze damage. Once this has been completed, a binder layer—composed of small aggregate and sand particles—must be added for additional strength. It must also be laid evenly so as to avoid bumps or dips in your driveway surface.

Once the sub-base and binder layers are in place, asphalt surfaces can be installed. This usually takes only a day or two and needs to be allowed to cure for several days before being used – during this period, it’s important not to walk on or drive on it! Once complete, consider using driveway sealant to protect the pavement against damage and extend its lifespan.

Paver driveways can add character and charm to any home, and they are simple and inexpensive to maintain. Routine maintenance should include sweeping the joints to remove debris, washing with water periodically to eliminate oil or grease stains, resealing every few years, and working closely with your paving team on an appropriate plan tailored specifically to you.


Professional paving & and driveway contractors you hire should possess knowledge about all available materials for driveway construction, including pavers and asphalt, and should help guide decisions regarding design features that complement your home. Furthermore, these experts may recommend products or services tailored specifically to your situation, such as drainage solutions.

If cared for properly, a properly paved driveway can last for decades, but even the toughest surfaces require ongoing maintenance to extend their lifespans. Simple tasks like sweeping and crack repairs can help avoid early degradation of your pavement and extend its life expectancy.

Proper drainage is of the utmost importance for any driveway installation project, as with any paved surface. Grading must be designed to prevent surface runoff and rainwater from flowing directly toward your foundation, causing flooding in your basement or other damage to its structure, particularly if your area experiences heavy rainfall. A professional should oversee installation to make sure the slope is not too steep and that it points away from your house.

Pavers are not as hardy as concrete, which makes them more susceptible to damage from harsh deicing chemicals and excessive salt used to melt snow and ice. Although deicing chemicals may be essential for maintaining safety, their excessive use may weaken a paver surface, leading to cracks or crumbling; as such, it’s wise to limit their usage as much as possible.

Oil or gas spills should be cleaned up as soon as they occur to avoid softening of asphalt surfaces and further erosion. If a spill does occur, contact your paving and driveway contractor immediately so they can have it taken care of immediately.

As with a paver driveway, an asphalt driveway should be regularly resealed to protect it against water penetration and debris accumulation that could compromise its integrity and damage its appearance. Resealing also enhances its aesthetic value and extends its useful life – keeping your driveway looking brand new for as long as possible!