
GPS UNIT Tracking Solutions – Aspects of a GPS Tracking Program Part 2

On component 1 of this series of ten articles, I wrote concerning the two main types of GPS NAVIGATION Systems employed commercially to supply Location-Based Services in order to businesses and consumers: Navigators and Trackers. Find the Best vehicle tracker.

I explained each one of them and their programs. In Part 2, I am going to start focusing on the GPS NAVIGATION TRACKING SYSTEMS, and we will keep the GPS Navigators Techniques for other articles.
The GPS Tracking System is constructed by three main elements:

-A GPS device or even GPS Tracker, which gets the location information and then provides it to a software application.

-A data transmission system that takes the information provided by the actual GPS Tracker and provides it to the software application.

-A Software Application that presents in order to its users the data recollected through the GPS Tracker in several types, including maps and reviews.

This article will present the main aspects of a GPS Tracking Remedy and will start expanding within the first component: GPS Trackers. It will take me this article and also the next one to go in fine detail over GPS devices.


In this section, I am going to define what a GPS Gadget, and how they work; however will introduce the types of trackers, what features bring various kinds of trackers and my opinion when it comes to each type.
At its simplest description, the GPS device, as well as better the GPS system, is the component in charge of having the information about the location of the vehicle, in addition to providing this data into the GPS Tracking Application over the Data Transmission System (which will be explained in on its way articles).

GPS Trackers tend to be small boxes (metal as well as plastic) that can be the size of a new man’s wallet or a minor bigger. All of them need no less than one antenna (GPS antenna), and quite a few of them need an additional antenna to enable the data transmission element. So this leads to the first class of GPS Trackers:

-Full satellite trackers. This type of tracker will use satellites to receive in addition to transmit data.

-Hybrid trackers. This type of tracker will use geostationary satellites to acquire location (we will find some variations here afterwards in this article) and one more method to transmit the data (a data modem, a data interface to download the data, etc.).

In the next article, My goal is to expand on these principles.

So, the main task of your GPS Tracker is to supply information on the location of your vehicle or an asset, or even a person. The location of the products is usually acquired from the GPS DEVICE satellites, but there is one more method based on triangulation together with cell towers to estimate locations.

Getting the location coming from satellites is the most accurate device, providing a minimal margin regarding error most of the time (from a couple of up to 50 feet). GPS DEVICE location can be acquired anywhere in the world. The sole downside for this location technological innovation is that the GPS antenna really needs a view of the sky. Like if the vehicle gets into any garage, most probably, there will not possibly be GPS locations available.

Having the location based on triangulation with the cell towers (those that are also used by the cell phones to transmit speech and data) has a greater margin of error (up to a few hundred feet) so that it is a not very accurate place mechanism. This type of location furthermore requires the presence of the known as cell towers to work.

The particular upside of this mechanism is it will perfectly work within just buildings, which is not the case regarding GPS satellite location. Several GPS Trackers are designed to work together with both location mechanisms, developing a new concept called Assisted-GPS (AGPS).

There are mainly several types of GPS Trackers: Recurring Trackers, PING Trackers, in addition to Live Trackers. Also, many devices have more capabilities idea get the location of the vehicle.

In this posting, I have dissected a NAVIGATION Tracking solution into several main components: a NAVIGATION Tracker, a data transmission process, and a GPS Tracking plan. I have also started uncovering the details of GPS Trackers, specifically the two main strategies to locate a vehicle. Finally, My partner and I introduced two more features to consider in GPS Trackers: types of trackers and enhanced features of a GPS system.

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