How to Fix http Error 500.30 – AspNet Core App Failed to Start


If you are encountering HTTP Error 500.30: Asp.Net Core App Failed to Start error, then you can try a few things. Change Your Publish Profile In Visual Studio So That Additional Files Are Removed at Destination

By doing this, only those files necessary to publish will be uploaded into the Web App environment.


System.IO.IOException is typically encountered when an application cannot access a file it needs to run successfully, making deployment from Visual Studio to Azure App Service Web apps problematic even though the code worked perfectly in the local environment. A quick and easy solution exists, though: change your publish profile settings within Visual Studio so it deletes existing files before copying over new ones to the Web App – once this change has taken place, your app should run without error on future web deploys – thanks to UVylight for suggesting this!

How can I fix the Azure API 401 Error?… If the issue remains, please feel free to contact me for assistance.