Categories: Gardening

Othonna Capensis ‘Ruby Necklace’

Othonna capensis ‘Ruby Necklace’ is an easy-care succulent. It thrives indoors in bright indirect lighting conditions and outdoors in partial shade.

Keep this succulent warm but not overheated; cold temperatures do not suit its health and it could die quickly.

Needed is a gritty, primarily inorganic soil mix with good drainage properties for growing succulents or cacti. A suitable combination could include adding pumice and Turface MVP for optimal results.

Light Requirements

Othonna capensis, commonly known as the ruby necklace plant, is an evergreen succulent that makes an excellent indoor houseplant and outdoor rock gardens or hanging baskets. A hardy plant thrives under various environmental conditions but thrives best with direct sunlight and well-draining soil conditions for maximum performance.

This plant’s signature feature is its red leaves, giving rise to its name. As more sunlight reaches it, its leaves will become redder, while insufficient exposure could result in yellowing or even fall off entirely.

As a houseplant, this species should be grown in direct sunlight. If this is unavailable, grow lights can help supplement it; just be wary not to overstimulate your plant with too much light, as this could lead to leaf burn.

This plant can tolerate typical household temperatures and humidity levels, though you should avoid cold drafts or placing it near heating/cooling vents. It takes partial shade; however, complete darkness is best avoided.

If planting this succulent outdoors, total sun exposure is ideal; however, partial shade conditions will do just as well. Ensure the area doesn’t receive direct midday sun as that will scorch its leaves.

Watering plants appropriately is critical, yet overwatering should be avoided to prevent root rot. Regular soil moisture checks are recommended so you can add any necessary water at any time.

When growing this plant in a container, use a soil mix tailored explicitly for succulents. A general potting mix can be amended with perlite or sand for improved drainage; alternatively, you could try using cactus soil or 50/50 coco coir and perlite mixtures. Make sure the drainage of your soil is adequate to prevent overwatering and overfertilization, which may damage this succulent.


The Ruby Necklace Plant stands out among houseplants’ unique aesthetic and minimal care requirements, making it an attractive addition to any indoor garden. Boasting bead-like leaves with subtle ruby hues and air-purifying qualities, its beaded leaves stand out among their counterparts. Through careful observation, it’s easy to decipher its watering signals and provide adequate hydration – creating a deep bond between plant and caregiver through this mutualistic arrangement that benefits both parties involved!

Soil dryness can indicate when ruby necklace plants need watering. Gently inserting your fingers an inch or so down will allow you to assess hydration needs; when the top layer feels completely parched, water your succulent Othonna capensis succulent; however, be wary not to overwater, as this could lead to root rot and affect its health and vitality.

Monitor the need for water by watching for signs that your plants are wilting, which is a natural response when their efforts at conserving water through decreasing transpiration occur. Light drooping during afternoon heat could be expected; persistent drooping should indicate it’s time to reach your watering can.

Low light conditions may also cause your ruby necklace plant’s leaves to droop. This is likely due to its native habitat of sunny conditions; preferring direct sun. Unfortunately, they do not thrive in shade, eventually losing their red hue altogether.

An effective way to ensure healthy hydration cycles for plants is using a humidity tray, which allows you to increase humidity in their immediate surroundings. A misting device may also prove helpful; just be careful not to oversaturate their leaves, as too much moisture could encourage fungal issues.

Another method for propagating ruby necklace plants involves cutting off an established stem’s bottom leaves and placing them into new soil in a small container. Hence, its roots have time to establish themselves before you transfer it into larger pots.


Othonna capensis “Ruby Necklace” is an eye-catching succulent that blooms daisy-like flowers during spring, summer, and fall. Propagating these plants from seed is possible; root cuttings may also work. When multiplying by root cutting, it is essential to first sterilize the cutting tool before starting this process; after one month, your cuttings should be ready for transplanting indoors or outdoors; just be sure that soil remains moist at all times as otherwise, your new sapling may become waterlogged and die once it sprouts!

Succulents require a well-draining soil mix to thrive, either purchased as commercial cacti and succulent soil or prepared by mixing perlite, sand, and pumice into standard potting soil. This mixture will supply all the essential nutrients a succulent ruby necklace requires to thrive. However, while succulents are drought-tolerant plants, they need regular moisture or risk root rot and be damaged beyond repair.

Pruning should be a part of caring for a ruby necklace plant as it’s a vine succulent, helping it remain healthy and grow taller. Pruning can also help if vines become tangled or pest-infested.

Ruby necklace plants are straightforward to care for, with only minor considerations necessary for their success. Because their roots can become sensitive to drafts and high temperatures, placing them away from drafty areas such as heating vents and air conditioners is best. Furthermore, during the winter, it would be prudent to move it into cooler temperatures; freezing temperatures won’t do well with them!

Othonna capensis ruby plants are nontoxic, making them suitable for children and adults to touch and chew on safely. Other succulent varieties, however, may cause harm if consumed in large quantities, making a string of rubies an ideal addition to any home with young children or pets.


Ruby necklace plants are fast-growing vines that require regular pruning to remain manageable in your home. Doing so lets you control their height or remove dead leaves or stems as necessary, keeping your plant looking tidy and healthy while helping prevent root rot in its root system. When pruning with garden shears or cutting tools, use sharp blades that won’t tear the plant’s leaves as you prune!

When choosing a container for succulent cultivation, drainage should be of primary concern. Ruby necklace plants benefit significantly from planting in soil with good drainage; you can buy pre-made potting mixes or create your own by mixing ordinary soil with perlite, sand, and pumice to form a mixture that drains well.

Watering a succulent should only occur when its soil feels dry; overwatering will lead to root rot and can even kill it! To determine how much water is necessary, place your finger into the ground an inch or two and feel whether or not it feels damp; you shouldn’t have to wait long before your ruby necklace plant needs watering again!

Your ruby necklace plant may not be vulnerable to many pests and diseases, but a couple should be monitored. Mealybugs and scale are two pests commonly seen indoors that feed off plant nutrients. To protect yourself against them, regularly inspect your plant for insects that feed off its nutrients – this should include checking for insects such as mealybugs and scale. Insecticidal soap or neem oil treatments may help.

If your ruby necklace plant becomes too large for its current pot, it may require repotting. When doing this, use fresh soil; old soil harbors bacteria and unwanted organisms that could kill off your plant. Repotting is also an opportunity to give your succulent some fertilizer; winter is the best time for this task!


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