Community Bible Study Fisher is a Christian discipleship program that offers in-depth Bible studies for people of all ages. Participants explore God’s Word with stimulating home study questions and discuss it among friends in small groups – helping them engage with timeless truths of Scripture that apply directly to their daily lives.
Community Bible study fishers help individuals of various backgrounds to come together to explore God’s Word together, providing opportunities for people from varying backgrounds, gifts, vocations, abilities, knowledge, cultures, and locations to come together under Christ’s grace to learn from one another and grow as one body in Him. This practice was the way the Early Church operated; Jesus’ Gospel became their common ground. When studying Scripture together in groups, people can discuss complex topics more fully while asking questions for better comprehension; furthermore, they can also support and uphold one another by expounding on insights gained by peers.
Registering for a community bible study fisher will put you into a small group called a core group, led by a caring leader who facilitates discussions over weekly Bible lessons. They’ll stay connected throughout the year, pray for you, and organize occasional fellowship events so that stronger bonds form among members of their group.
Alongside leading the discussion of each lesson, caring leaders provide stimulating home study questions to help apply them in daily life. Furthermore, they may discuss its historical background or relation to Scripture and recommend respected theologians who can shed more light on its meaning.
Group Bible studies can be an excellent way to develop spiritual discipline and learn how to apply the principles of Scripture to everyday life. You’ll gain support and encouragement from fellow disciples as you join together to be disciples of Jesus Christ; furthermore, holding one another accountable for your study habits and behaviors will also benefit greatly.
Each translation of the Bible mentions Jesus calling His disciples to become “fishers of men,” meaning He wants us to follow in his mission of spreading love throughout society. While we may never fully grasp all its implications, we know He has given us an individual purpose that must be pursued and fulfilled.
As Christians, one of the best ways to connect with God is through his Word; an efficient way of studying it together with other believers is by joining a Bible Study Fisher class. Joining such courses provides an excellent way to build relationships among believers while increasing your knowledge of scripture, share questions or concerns with fellow students, and participate in fellowship and outreach opportunities.
Messiah Academy offers two CBS classes every Thursday during the school year – Women’s CBS on Thursday mornings and co-ed CBS classes on Thursday evenings – and virtual online courses to meet people and develop friendships. No matter which CBS class you attend, it will prove an ideal way to meet new people every week and create relationships.
Transformation occurs within a CBS class as participants engage with Bible passages through stimulating home study questions and group discussion. Trained teachers guide applying biblical principles to everyday life, and respected theologians teach how each lesson fits into Scripture as a whole while caring leaders pray and support participants as they form spiritual communities.
Once registered for a CBS class, you can easily view upcoming lessons and information by selecting the YOUR CLASS tab at the top of the page. From here, you can read commentary and view original lesson questions using the VIEW COMMENTARY/VIEW QUESTIONS buttons. Furthermore, an INBOX icon in the upper-right corner allows you to receive notifications from your leader, which is, by default, forwarded directly to your e-mail address.
Leaders provide class participants spiritual, emotional, and social support as they study God’s Word together. Leaders also share insights from their studies of Scripture with class participants so they can use Scripture in everyday life.
Each class meets weekly throughout the school year and consists of a lesson book, commentary, and homestudy questions for an in-depth, verse-by-verse whole-book study of Scripture. Furthermore, participants are placed in core groups with one leader all year – creating relationships.
Community Bible Study is an informal nondenominational Bible study for people of all ages, backgrounds, and levels of Bible knowledge. Each class is led by caring leaders who have completed a training program and been approved by CBS.
Unique to this program is its emphasis on developing leadership skills among attendees, which enables them to serve more efficiently within their churches. This approach is especially helpful in reaching those who may not regularly attend worship services.
CBS emphasizes a philosophy called “Trust in God’s Provision,” which encourages followers of Christ to respond to Holy Spirit promptings by responding with financial contributions toward ministry needs. Leaders frequently share what’s happening in their communities and pray that followers may feel inspired to give according to His leadership. Furthermore, the organization strives to use funds wisely while honoring Him with what He has given.
Not only are Bible Study Fisher members called to study God’s Word, but they’re also called upon to serve others. This service includes prayer support, helping new members learn the Bible and connect with others, leading the group, and leading CBS. CBS provides members opportunities to participate in such activities, but it is ultimately up to each member how they will participate.
CBS relies on the generosity of Christ’s followers in meeting its ministry needs. Their gifts allow CBS to reach more people with its message of Christ’s love and redemption while strengthening discipleship across more than 75 heart languages in over 100 countries.
Before the world existed, God chose, forgiven, and redeemed his people. He called them back to Himself as His children – this Bible study explores this reconciliation today in our lives.
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